On Saturday 25th May many of the people we support and lots of staff took part in the Whitley Bay Carnival Parade. This is now an annual event for us and this year’s parade saw us all dressed up and joining in with the Carnival theme of “Out of This World” with our “Cow Jumped Over the Moon” parade entry. The clever people in our Community Activities group managed to recycle “Milly Moo Moo” our home made cow who last year took part in the parade as the cow that Jack (from Jack and the Beanstalk) took to market to sell to buy his magic beans. The opportunity to give Milly another outing was seized on by the Community Activities team and frenzied work took place until deep into the night to create this year’s entry complete with moon, comets, and other characters from the nursery rhyme. Our thanks go to all the Community Activities team and the many visitors and helpers who helped us create a colourful float once again. It was fantastic to take part and walk through the streets of Whitley Bay and down to Spanish City along with the hundreds of others in the parade. We love being in Whitley Bay – its a great community to be part of.